

Words of a Colin

Writer Colin Harrison has provided plenty of resonant inspiration during my march to manhood (spoiler alert: I’m still marching) and this excerpt is no exception. Just a little something to see you through the noon hour…

Such men believe in luck, they watch for signs, and they conduct private rituals that structure their despair and mark their waiting. They are relatively easy to recognize but hard to know, especially during the years when a man is most dangerous to himself, which begins at about age thirty-five, when he starts to tally his losses as well as his wins, and ends at about fifty, when, if he has not destroyed himself, he has learned that the force of time is better caught softly, and in small pieces. Between those points, however, he’d better watch out, better guard against the dangerous journey that beckons to him -the siege, the quest, the grandiosity, the dream. ~ Colin Harrison 

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