

Dazzler of the Day: Cyrus McQueen

Hilarious eloquence is not an easy state to attain, but Cyrus McQueen does it with perfect panache, and I’m too excited and in awe of his book ‘Tweeting Truth to Power‘ to wait until I am completely finished with it to name him Dazzler of the Day. I’ve long admired McQueen, thanks to his witty way with social media, and his ability to cut straight to the heart of issues political and personal, and make them into a charged universal clarion call to change. His website gives a more grandly comprehensive view of his many talents, but for the quickest hit of his brilliance, just follow him on Twitter, and then pick up ‘Tweeting Truth to Power‘ because it’s the perfect antidote for the poison of all the years marred by that former fuck-up who shall not be named. (Hint: it was the awful one-term loser who stole the election between such great men as Barack Obama and Joseph Biden.) But don’t take my weak description for it – read McQueen for a much more powerful and cutting take-down of the former guy – it’s exhilarating and profoundly cathartic – the relief and release accompanied by grateful laughter and much-welcome entertainment.

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