
Dazzler of the Day: Kaelan Strouse

Seeking out a spiritual path in life is often the last bastion of hope for those of us searching for meaning in how we live. Starting off on such a journey, or simply making one’s own way and determining which direction to head is what Kaelan Strouse offers with his books, coaching and spiritual retreats. Meditation has become a life-saving practice for me, so a spiritual guide and coach is nothing short of dazzling, hence Kae’s crowning as Dazzler of the Day here. He melds spirituality, sexuality, and self-empowerment into an authentic and genuine reconciliation of our minds and bodies. Check out his website here for a more detailed and fascinating look at his life’s calling, excerpted below:

Kaelan is a spiritual guide who has led meditations, coaching sessions, and yogic practices since 2008. He founded Ecstatic Self LLC during the pandemic of 2020; his client list ranges from CEOs of NFL teams to federal judges—from Ivy League tenured professors to leaders in healthcare startups.

He has written two books on personal growth and belonging (Journey to the Ecstatic Self & I Dreamt of Flight). Kaelan lived in a meditative ashram for 7 years, earned his advanced CRT 500 in yogic instruction, and has over 1/2-million followers on Ecstatic Self YouTube and other socials.

He has led corporate leadership and empathy workshops for top corporations like JP Morgan, TripAdvisor, KPMG, Bank of America, etc. He graduated magna cum laude from Northwestern University and lives in Washington, DC with his husband and pets.

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