

A New Year, Under Construction

Most years I like to open in a quiet way, silently contemplating the stillness of the morning, gently sipping a cup of green tea while outside a red cardinal sits perched in a bush. This year will be different, and I’m opening it with a bang: the renovation of our kitchen, still in progress. While most of the major noise and banging has been completed, there is much work yet to be done, as the next series of posts will attest.

Luckily, there is a bang-up group of gentlemen who have been working on the project: Skylands Services. I cannot say enough good things about them. Not only are they on top of their game (as of this writing things have remained tightly on schedule, and the work has been executed flawlessly), they are also an affable and friendly group of guys who entertain concerns and questions with courtesy and aplomb.

When we indicated a possible change in plans and questioned whether a doorway opening we had originally laid out was big enough, they explained that not only was a vent in the way, but that the size was good because it left each side of equal proportions, thereby lending balance to the dining room area. (I’m fine with most issues if a decent explanation is made.)

Aside from their obvious expertise in such matters, they also clean up at the end of every day. We didn’t realize the importance of this until they did it, and we didn’t have to worry about tracking dust and debris throughout the rest of the house.

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