

The Holiday Card 2019

Some years are low-key Holiday Card years, such as this one. For a number of reasons, my heart wasn’t in it, but like Celine Dion says, the heart must go on, or some such bullshit, so here we go. Inspired by a love for baking that doesn’t always translate to successful kitchen endeavors, this card is not that far off from reality. I’ve had my share of kitchen disasters, a few of which have resulted in fires and burns and the like, so here’s to making those episodes into something worthy of the season, like a goddamned Christmas card. 

If you want a more comprehensive look into Holiday Cards of the past, please visit the first part of a Holiday Card Recollection and of course its accompanying second part. Then check out last year’s Holiday Card here. And if you want a video version of this year’s card, follow me on Instagram here

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