

Sexy Shirtless Santa Stuff

Miss Mary’s claimed virgin-status notwithstanding, Christmas is a time for sexiness as well, and I know one or two guys (and gals) with a sexy Santa fetish. I am decidedly not one of them, but this blog is not solely for me, at least not all the time. With that in mind, please peruse the following links of sexy holiday hijinks, and a fun video of Hunk of the Day Simon Dunn dancing around to Miss Mariah’s Christmas chestnut.

First up is Austin Drage, who wears his Santa’s hat as if to the manner born.

Next we have Stuart Pilkington, who favors guy liner with his red fur.

Third is Dan Osborne, who rocks the red with this package.

Most recently rocking the Santa cap is Trystan Bull.

And last but not least is Darren Criss as a shirtless Santa who can sing.

Now watch Simon Dunn dance around in his undies below:

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