

On This Second Day of Winter

We break the week with a view of my childhood home, and the Christmas tree that Mom finally decided to put up this year. It’s a happy scene, and lends light to a corner of the living room that is normally hidden in shadow during the winter months, blocking a door that is only open when the warmer weather allows for access to the backyard. This is happy substitute until such time we can go comfortably outside again, and given its faux nature, they can keep it up for far longer than usual. Andy keeps ours going until January 6 at least, and many years a week or two beyond that. Light, even in the form of a Christmas tree, is most valuable at this time of the year. It lifts the soul and combats the darkness and seasonal depression that sometimes result from these shorter days. 

On this second day of winter, the anticipation of Christmas is strong. That alone raises spirits for the moment, and living in the moment is important when winter has only just begun. 

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