

Last Weekly Recap of the Year

Once upon a Christmas vacation, when I was but a wee school kid, this would be one of the best weeks of the year. All freedom and new presents and time at home with the family – and it was the latter that was always the most fun and important to me, especially if extended family was involved. These days that freedom is gone – I’ll be working, albeit from home for most of the week – and so I live a bit in the past for this final week of the year, remembering how wonderful it was to be a kid around Christmas. On with the recap…

Winter solstice wishes

Flashin’ red holiday passion

A creamy Christmas treat courtesy of a naked Simon Dunn. 

Green breathing room.

A return to reverence and wonder?

Christmas garland.

It came upon a midnight clear.

A family Christmas from a distance

Christmas sentiments.

The social non-influencer, in a velvet jacket.

A Tom Ford holiday mash-up.

Winter vantage point.

Life will always try to trip you up.

Still December

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