

Holiday Changes

A month from this date will mark our 5th Annual Boston Children’s Holiday Hour. It’s coming a bit later in the season than usual, because I originally thought we’d be busy with all the other holiday events, but life has interrupted and we are changing those plans. Andy’s health doesn’t afford him the same energy and ability it once did, so we are not going to have our annual holiday party – the first time in almost twenty years we’re not throwing one. (We came close to missing one a few years ago, when a winter snowstorm and a kitchen renovation allowed for only about two guests to make it, but it still technically took place.) This has been a year of change, so I’m going with the flow and taking it out of holiday rotation in the hopes that it will allow Andy to attend our Boston Children’s Holiday Hour, which will include the twins for the first time. I’ve already hung stockings for the four of us in hopes that St. Nicholas soon will be there.

To spice things up further and add some extra pizzazz to our 5th annual gathering of the children (eventually the name will need to be changed as some of these kids are entering their teen years) I’ve incorporated some new decorating schemes, including a curtain that now provides a hidden little alcove for those who need some time away from the hustle and the bustle. (Should I decide to vacate the area someone else may be able to try it out.) It does a neat hat-trick of dividing the common area of the condo, adding some intimacy to a space that otherwise lacks any sort of privacy. (The bedroom will be reserved for Andy to rest and relax in, which is for the better anyway, especially given the fact that a couple of years ago the kids decided to horse around and knock a candle and all its wax onto the curtains and carpet.)

As for the rest of this tradition, it’s staying true to what is has always been: a chance near the end of the run-up to Christmas to stop in, say hello, have some hot chocolate and marshmallows, and be on the merry way to further Boston adventures. The city is endlessly enchanting at this time of the year.

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