

Boughs of Evergreen at the Hearth

By the time of this posting, we will have hopefully cut down our own Christmas tree this year (and by “we” I mean my co-worker Heath, who has a chainsaw that runs on gas and oil, as most of them do I’m told). This marks the first time “we” are cutting our own, but the blue spruce I planted about ten years ago is finally outgrowing its space and infringing on the form of a Chinese dogwood, so down it must go. I’d rather use it as our Christmas tree than simply dismember it, distributing its parts among lawn bags come spring.

To prepare for the cutting, I trimmed the lower branches, saving some of the boughs for this hearthside display you see here. Strung with a few holiday lights, it makes a simple yet effective Christmas scene, and brightens up an otherwise dim section of the family room. It works well with the brick, and the new leather couch, while adding that traditional Christmas tree scent that is so evocative of happy childhood memories. Such rustic elements are indicative of the coming winter, when subtle beauty – mostly textures and tints – takes the place of brighter, sunnier components.


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