

A Christmas Garland

This Judy Garland Christmas Special comes complete with the original commercials, which makes it a quaint slice of Americana. This particular show has been honored and lampooned countless times, including an entire episode of ‘Glee’ during its hey-day. It took me a while to warm to the classic almost-campy proceedings, but the older I get, the more I appreciate the nostalgic cheesiness and warmth, and the Garland star-power. “Liza’s out skating with her beau” indeed!

The multi-level living room set, some sort of mid-century eleganza with a Liberace-lite piano, lends its own coziness and sparkle, like some vintage aluminum Christmas tree. Ms. Garland’s fur-lined holiday gown is a thing of exquisite beauty as well. There are too many moments of kitsch and cuteness to recount – but watch for the Santa line-dancers, Liza and Tracy’s ‘Steam Heat’, and one crazy egg nog lift across the expanse of the set. 

All that’s missing is the fondue. 

Enjoy this show now, or save it for tonight when you’re looking to snuggle in for a long winter’s nap. 

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