

September Summer Nakedness

The book that is seeing me through the end of the summer is a delightfully decadent Italian romp that melds fact and fiction from the life and times of Tennessee Williams. ‘Leading Men’ by Christopher Castellani weaves real and imagined yarns of the writer’s life, and the circle of lovers and friends around him, while touching on the changing social structure of gay life then and now. It’s an entertaining read, but goes deeper too – a treatise on how we age, what becomes of our youth, and how we face – or don’t face – the passing days. I like a summer book that acknowledges and explores the darkness while putting on a glittering facade. Coupled with a few photos from my summer pool days of 2019, here are a few favorite quotes from the book, because Mr. Castellani is better with words than me.

Of all the desires, curiosity is the only one capable of keeping a person alive. ~ from ‘Leading Men’ by Christopher Castellani

Perhaps these were the two types of men in the world: those who kept trying to save you, and those who would forever test you. ~ from ‘Leading Men’ by Christopher Castellani

To be a romantic was to be seduced as easily by a beautiful boy as by a room full of jowly stonemasons passing around jugs of cheap chianti. ~ from ‘Leading Men’ by Christopher Castellani

By now, he was used to it all. And to be used to someone, to settle into his moods and demands and affections, wasn’t that something? Wasn’t that the best you could hope for, even when sometimes what you wanted most of all was to make love on a boulder for an audience of strangers, and to come back to the boulder every night at sunset to find that same man waiting there? Wasn’t that, possibly, everything? ~ from ‘Leading Men’ by Christopher Castellani

He came for someone else, but I was the one he chose. They are different things: being loved and being chosen. Being chosen is the more powerful drug. It enslaves you. And what you miss when it ends is not the man who did the choosing, but that rush of having been seen by him, and then plucked from the weeds, and then gathered up and hoarded and, yes, owned by him. These desires are out of fashion, but that does not make them any less true. I am sorry to be speaking in generalities. I am not trying to be elliptical. I am trying to tell you, in case you do not already know, that you will be loved by many men but chosen by only a few, and that knowing the difference will save you from making a fool of yourself. ~ from ‘Leading Men’ by Christopher Castellani

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