

Jake Gyllenhaal Naked From Behind

When Anderson Cooper sent me an e-mail saying that Jake Gyllenhaal would be on his talk show next week, I was elated. (Okay, maybe he didn’t personally send me that e-mail, and maybe it didn’t go solely to me, but if this is what it takes to brighten up a Saturday morning, just go with the flow of delusion.) The idea of Jake and Anderson meeting must create a new gay galaxy somewhere in the universe. In honor of that occasion it seems the perfect time to revisit Jake Gyllenhaal’s naked ass (as I believe the posts that did so prior did not get reposted yet. There’s also a full-frontal shot of Mr. Gyllenhaal rumored to be floating around this site somewhere… and with the new archives slowly shuffling into place, it may be easier to find…) In the meantime, here is his backside.

Despite my love for all things Anne Hathaway, and my appreciation of Jake and the  junk in his trunk (and elsewhere) I have not seen the movie these shots are from, ‘Love & Other Drugs’. Why sit through a whole movie when the shots you want will be up on the internet anyway? That’s what blogging whores like me are for.

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