

Cooking in the Nude: Hot Buns

How does the Naked Chef do it? There are so many dangers, so many burn risks. And sometimes an apron just isn’t enough. But sometimes it is. Especially in the summer. This brief collection of gratuitous gourmet shots is an homage to all those cooks who trouble and toil in the kitchen, like Martha Stewart, Jamie Oliver, Lidia Matticchio Bastianich, Joanne Weir, and Dinah herself (strumming on the old banjo).

I don’t get to cook as much as I’d like, and I’m actually pretty decent at it. (I’m less gifted at the cleaning-up aspect, as Andy will attest.) But the creation and the preparation? Absolutely. It satisfies some of my creative drive, and recipes appeal to my love of scientific order and transformation.

Some favorite dishes that I’ve succeeded in executing over the years include the following:

Tom Yummy.

Tied-up meat.

Chicken and olives and oranges, oh my!

Kickin’ it with the quinoa.

A Great Crepe Caper.


Kimchi fried rice and the all-important fried egg.

Beet it.

Pasta and vodka.

Super scallops.

A meal fit for a prostitute.

For (and from) the family.

Everybody’s favorite brownies.

And don’t forget the cocktails.

Rest assured, if I can handle them, you can. I prefer the simple, tried and true rather than the exotic and elaborate, so these are easy-peasy lemon-squeezy. Get your apron ready.

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