

Winter’s Magical Light

The light at this time of the year isn’t always magical or wondrous. Mostly it is gray and dull and muted – the sky mirroring the salty, sanded streets, and the blush off the rose of snow. Some days, though, it reveals a golden glow that only shows itself just before the sun goes down, on the needles of evergreens, and the bare branches of distant oaks and maples. It is a reminder that there is still life going on during these long and arduous weeks of winter.

Here is where I find the way through the rest of January – in the glimpses of sunlight that grow a little longer with each passing day. We move a little closer to spring – sometimes I can sense it in the air of a minor thaw, or the disappearance of holiday items from the stores. Soon, there will be a box of Cadbury creme eggs heralding the impending drama of Easter. Rather than going stir-crazy, I will embrace the slow roll, and do my best to find the beauty in every day, no matter how gray. 

Mercury has moved out of retrograde motion, perhaps allowing a bit of peace and quiet after its torturous tumult of the past few weeks. The time has come for winter calm – and winter light.

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