

Winter Sky Illuminated

The sky in winter is usually more somber and subtle than the flaming sort of shows we get in summer, but every once in a while it does its best to thrill in the face of all the grey, especially when there are clouds with which to paint and play. I caught Andy looking wistfully out the window at the winter scene the other day; he loves summer best of all, when his back can be eased by a daily dip in the pool, or a bloom from a climbing rose can be clipped for his side table. I miss summer too. The good news is that we are almost halfway through the winter season. Days are elongating, and daylight lasts a few minutes more as we gradually gain speed to spring. The lion’s entrance of March is but a few weeks away…

“Sometimes I think, were I just a little rougher made, I would go altogether to the woods—to my work entirely, and solitude, a few friends, books, my dogs, all things peaceful, ready for meditation and industry—if for no other reason than to escape the heart-jamming damages and discouragements of the worlds mean spirits. But, no use. Even the most solitudinous of us is communal by habit, and indeed by commitment to the bravest of our dreams, which is to make a moral world. The whirlwind of human behavior is not to be set aside.”
― Mary Oliver, Winter Hours 


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