

Winter Morning Blues

These blues are not the sad and sorrowful sort, but rather the bright and hopeful tints seen in the sky on a recent winter morning. While we’ve had some snow of late, with more scheduled to come, we have arrived at March – the month in which spring comes with all its bluster and tumult. Far from being out of the woods, it’s still a good place to look ahead and focus on the coming spring and summer seasons, and that does my heart good.  

As antsy as Andy and I are for the weather to soften and the sun to appear in full force, I’m taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of a winter morning. The wind has been kind enough to leave some of the snow on the pine boughs, mirroring the scattering of clouds in the sky. Considering how beauty works so wondrously makes me believe the world is more than a bunch of random acts and images. There is purpose here, and design, and meaning. It speaks to all the senses, even the metallic taste in the air signaling snow on the move. 

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