

When Thanksgiving Comes Early

When I was kid, my family went to the Ko family’s home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and they came to our home for New Year’s Day. They were, and remain, our extended family, and Suzie has been my best friend/sister-figure literally since I was born (she is, and remains, two months older than me).

A lot has changed since my childhood, but somehow my family still manages to make it to the Ko home, wherever or whomever may assemble for it. This year we had to do it a little early, as Elaine and Tony are heading to Florida for the winter. Here are a few photos from the day, including the new and improved version of the kids’ table. (No, I no longer have to sit there.)

And finally, perhaps my two favorite photos of the whole batch: jello salad and Suzie trying on my outfit. A Thanksgiving complete before it even began.

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