

When Clouds Clear

These cloud photos were taken on Easter Sunday, as Andy and I made our way home from a brief visit with the parents. They sparked a bit of hope in me, and this morning I awoke feeling a similar reinvigoration. Outside the dining room window, I watched a gathering of the usual visitors, all out in full spring force. A pair of robins sparred and fluttered about a bit, while a squirrel poked around the fern garden. A cardinal and a blue jay would visit briefly – a flash of scarlet and a flash of blue – and a mourning dove sat perched on an electrical wire. 

Things are starting to awake in the garden. I’ve only made a minor start of clearing things out, as wintry weather remains a possibility. Thus far the means cutting down hundreds of hydrangeas stems to eep their height under control in the front yard. The old-fashioned Annabelle variety seems to do better when it’s sliced practically to the ground. 

The pair of fig trees in the garage has sent out full leaves already, but it’s much too soon to bring them outdoors. Soon, though, I’m hoping it will be safe. Soon…

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