

What the Actual Duck?

Flummoxed by the way the world is seemingly headed, I’m left scratching my head and pulling my gray hair out of my head for the utter loss of making any sense of things. That’s a vague, albeit it grandiose, opening statement, and I’m even at a loss for specifics of what made me say it. Well, that’s not entirely true – I have ideas and specifics, but they’re mostly about politics and I will not sully this space with such talk right now. Staying away from the news and the political state of this country is my best recourse for retaining whatever shredded remnants of sanity I may still have at my disposal. 

Rather, the point of this post, and its title, is to illuminate how silly things are when you take a moment to put everything into perspective. When in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, perspective tends to shift in major and unexpected ways. Do not get weary or worn down, and if you do, remember to be fucking fabulous. It’s ok to not be ok, and to let people know you’re not ok, even if there is no solution or resolution. They may try to help, and try to be gracious about that if/when it happens. We are all doing the best we can. 

And so, whenever I feel like the world is gaslighting me, and I find myself getting bitter and angry about it, I turn that old standby phrase ‘What the actual fuck?’ around and switch out the ‘fuck’ for ‘duck’, and instantly I remember how fucking stupid and silly all of this really is. Perspective. Imperfection. Pantagruel. Rabelais. 

Always remember, when all else fails and you long to be something better than you are today, I know a place where you can get away… 

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