
What A Dozen Years Can Do

Originally I wrote this post to commemorate my 12th anniversary on FaceBook, but then I realized I didn’t do a  proper comparison between my first profile pic and my most recent one, so below you have the before and after. Not sure what came before or what came after, or what before and after even means anymore, but people seem to enjoy such comparisons and I’m nothing if not a people-pleaser. 

Far better than most people would expect, I have pretty much embraced getting older. I honor every wrinkle and gray hair, and while I may not exactly love the slower metabolism and expanding waist-line, I’ve learned to make my peace with it and work to keep things in check (just to hang onto some favorite pants). Everyone is getting older. If we don’t learn to love it and accept it, the world will only get more upsetting. I also love seeing how everyone deals with it – it’s fascinating to watch some fight it, some enjoy it, and most fall somewhere in-between. I’m trying my best to enjoy it. The alternative to growing old is not quite as pretty. 

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