

Waking to the Winter Solstice

We have arrived at the first day of winter. 


Choosing to embrace the season rather than rail and rally against it has proven pivotal to finding a certain sense of peace and contentment. Such is the plan again for this year, when so much of the world reminds me of how shitty we can too often be. Escaping into the feeling of hygge, and finding the beauty and hope of each winter’s day will be key to making it through this wilderness.  It feels a little early to be posting a mid-winter song, but it’s bleak enough, so here you go:

Andy still thinks we will have a green Christmas, with rains scheduled for later in the week. Our tree just went up, so the holiday just gained a bit more light and cheer. Better late than never. Outside, it’s still a pretty picture, if a little chilly. It is now winter, after all.

There will be many more snow scenes yet to come, so if this round disappears it won’t be missed for long. The first few snowfalls are always welcome here; we will sing a different song come March. For now, I gaze wistfully at the snow nestled in the boughs of dogwood trees and pines, transported to the childhood times when snow transformed a forest into a magical world. 

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