

Until We Meet Again

Saying good-bye to friends, even friends whom I’m intending to see in a few weeks, is always a sad time. Especially when it’s at the end of one of those weekends that comes together so perfectly. Such was the case when JoAnn, Peaches, Kim, and Ali left us last Sunday. As is tradition, JoAnn made a nice brunch spread of eggs and bacon, while I roasted some potatoes. Ali brought the sweet breads, Kim did a few dishes, and Peaches taught me a killer Bloody Mary mix.

As much as I love a decent dinner, brunch has always been where it’s at. But even better than brunch is the gathering of friends old and new, on a summer weekend in early August, when all seems right with the world. Those moments don’t come along often enough.

Luckily, there will be more – here, and in Boston, and on the Cape – and the best part of having good friends is that they’re always present somehow.

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