
Unofficial Summer Start Recap

Kicking off the unofficial start to the summer season with a recap feels like a fittingly retro move while Mercury is in retrograde, so without wasting any more time on the new, let’s look back over the old of the past week. Also, enjoy these peony flowers as seen at the Mandarin Oriental Boston. 

Monochromatic serenity.

Wearing reading glasses because I’m old…er.

These are just three of my favorite things

The girl with the lost smile.

Summer mac salad by Andy.

A chartreuse reminder of the fleeting moment at hand. 

Sweet perfume for the season.

Madonna in flux or at crux?

Windflowers for a dramatic pause.

Another Boston adventure with Kira begins.

A witch in Boston passes our way.

Boston bewitching

Not bothered or bewildered.

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