

Tuesday Bluesday

Named for the color of the sky in these shots rather than any Tuesday blues sort of thing, the turn in weather of late has suddenly thrust us onto the verge of the holiday season. These two tall evergreens are already decorated with hanging pinecones, the very best sort of decorations when it comes to the holidays: natural, simple, and easy. Every year I strive for this trio, and almost every year I fall short. Or rather, I fall into excess. I used to do too much, I used to force things, and I used to make life much more difficult. The last couple of years I’ve slowly worked out of that, choosing to be selective about commitment and social events, and to enjoy the days as they arrived. Being mindful is something that works well for that, and for a lot of things. 

This holiday season is about to commence, and I’m going into it with the same goal. 

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