

Trump Gets Brutally Booed

Ouch. This was way harsh. On the very day he tried to take credit for the killing of an ISIS leader (after he allowed hundreds of others to escape) Donald Trump was embarrassingly booed at the World Series, where they also gifted him with a round of “Lock Him Up!!!” chants.  Karma chameleon, red gold and green! It’s worth looking up all the angles of this one, as it is a powerful and gratifying gauge of how a big group of baseball fans feels about this President.

There’s no other way to spin it. Try as they might (and their story on this is half-laughable) even Fox News couldn’t spin it any other way than dismal, abject humiliation. I’m slightly perplexed as to why Trump thought this would be a good idea. Maybe he confused all the red hats for MAGA shit? Anyway, here’s hoping all those boos make their way to the ears of the GOP. Even though you know there earplugs are in. 

PS – Guess who was never booed at a sporting event?

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