

The Year Not in Review

I thought about doing a year-end newsletter, like some proud Mama extolling the drab virtues of her children and grandchildren, but seeing as how we have neither children nor grandchildren, it would just be filled with the fluff and nonsense that constitutes my life – which would turn it into a sarcastic bit of bile that really isn’t quite appropriate for holiday newsletter fare.

Some of my favorite things when I was a teenager were those end-of-the-year Best and Worst lists – especially the one compiled by ‘Entertainment Weekly’. Back in the 90’s, there were sure to be a few notable Madonna references (I still remember the year of ‘Sex‘ and ‘Erotica‘ – 1992 – and the various year-end quips at that time.) For some reason, I grew out of my enjoyment of those time capsules, gradually focusing on what was to come rather than what had already happened, and now I find looking back more of a hindrance than a proper way to live. However, there are some years that deserve a moment of hindsight, and this is one of them.

While every year has its ups and downs, there is just one thing for which I will remember 2010: this was the year Andy and I got married. Everything else was just gravy and frosting, preferably separated out by a few hours of digestion.

Ten years ago it wasn’t legal for us to get married in any state – now there are at least a few, and I’m hopeful all will follow through eventually. The day will come – it is inevitable – and I’m proud to be one of the first to forge the way. We did not do it out of a sense of activism or obligation – we did it purely out of love. The greatest acts of any life are those manifested by the noble notion of love.

There are mysteries to every marriage, safety and comfort too, and the journey of any couple is its own unique love story. As we embark on the dawn of our second decade together, we’ll be pulling open the curtain on a bit of our daily lives, and you’ll be invited to join us. Here Come the Grooms.

As for Andy’s take on the year, there will be platform enough for him to make it known, as some of you have already seen, and everyone is about to find out… Get ready for a whole new year.

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