

The Year in Review ~ Part 1

Outwardly, it doesn’t feel like 2013 was very eventful. Inwardly, though, there were some major cosmic shifts, some seen only in the rippling echo of a few subtle posts. This was the year that you had to read between the lines if you wanted the full picture, as I tend to not talk about family issues or relationships issues or any of the issues that most people want to hear me talk about. That’s the gloriously infuriating fun of this site – at least for me. Still, revelations were there for the finding, if one bothered to read closely enough and wade through the smut. Here, then, is 2013, in a nutshell:

January 2013 ~

The year kicked off with the tenth anniversary of this very website. Since 2003, I’ve been bringing this site into your homes and lap-tops, through your iPhones and Galaxies, and, for the more progressive locations, into your work places. Ten years is an eternity in the blogging world, and I’m a dinosaur in this game, but I like it that way. This tortoise is in it for the long haul.

A childhood memory, conjured by a sofa-sharing moment with my brother on New Year’s Day, was brought to life by the Gummi Bears. His kids also greeted the New Year with these precious smiles.

The Boston condo was the best place to ride out a winter storm, and it’s been keeping me safe and warm since 1995. It’s hard to beat Boston for a momentary Winter Wonderland.

One of Madonna’s greatest songs was selected for the Madonna Timeline ~ ‘Live to Tell‘. Yet it was newer fare like ‘Falling Free‘ that proved she still held sway over my musical affections.

A fun hotel romp, literary-style.

This dressing gown, a wedding gift, inspired more memories than I initially thought.

A new project received the quietest release I’ve ever done. Without the hype and hoopla, ’13’ began with a whisper.

My naked romp on a couch got more notice. So did this naked romp on a bed. And this naked moment in the shower.

Shooting the football shit with my brother.

Sometimes the only thing you can do is run.

I love a surprise, especially when it involves traveling. Several notable surprise trips were made this year, starting with this one to Washington, DC, which included a stop at one of my favorite fancy watering holes. And some hotel sauciness. But skip all of that and go to the condensed versions: Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4. Or just go here to see the underwear pics. (And the naked ones.)

It was a family affair honoring my Dad’s lifetime of work, and an overdue acknowledgement of all that he’s done.

A new series (which has fallen by the wayside of later, until I hear back from Taylor Hudson and Ben Cohen) premiered in January ~ The Straight Ally Profile. The very first installment – and the one that remains my personal favorite – was this profile on my friend Skip Montross.

February 2013 ~

Music continued to provide one of the main touchstones of inspiration for many of my posts, including this musing on a classic standard, along with this Sam Cooke treasure (that also includes an ‘Adventures in Babysitting’ anecdote) and a weekend with the twins – in a robe, no less. Peter, Paul and Mary provided another blast from the childhood past with ‘Leaving on a Jet Plane‘. 

I love posting photos of naked men (myself included) that also feature favorite quotes from books I want people to read. One of the hallmarks of this site is hopefully the spoonful of sugar (nude males) that helps the medicine (writing) go down.

Try one, eat some.

New bedding.

Another new semi-regular feature of this site was established in February, with The Couple Profile. The first one is a favorite because it features these two amazing gentlemen.

Second verse, not quite the same as the first.

Tom Ford is my naked obsession.

Waiting for a new bed in Boston was surprisingly peaceful. As was lounging around in my underwear, and even unpacking and undressing. I blame James Baldwin for making me take my clothes off.


February was not too early for picking up a bouquet of daffodils and praying for the speedy arrival of spring.

March 2013 ~

It supposedly comes in like a lion and out like a lamb, but in between could mean all sort of craziness. Especially when one is felled by a nasty stomach virus. And you thought I was a brat before…

Fittingly, March marked the Madonna Timeline with this ‘Ray of Light’ entry. That epic album (to date, Madonna’s best) enjoyed its fifteenth anniversary.

Another one of my favorite albums of all time was by James, Laid. I love every single song in that collection. Music still has the power to make me cry.

Boston is often more enjoyable when shared with a dear friend. Or when it gets christened by brand new bedding.

Eat some more.

Third time around.

Let us pray. 

As a child, I was severely traumatized by a certain frightening Easter Bunny. This past year, I overcame that fear with this unexpected Easter Brunch catharsis.

April 2013 ~

April flowers brought Boston back to bloom, and Boston Chops proved it was the meat and not the motion. Yet it was the Boston Marathon bombing that moved and united us the most.

When spring is carried in on the night wind, songs like this bring back adolescent memories. And sometimes songs like this one by Bon Jovi go back even further.

Does this inspire you?

April is usually the month that the gardens come fully back to life, but that doesn’t mean the battle is over. All the lessons of life can be found there. Weep not for the Lenten rose. Everything can be accomplished as long as there is a proper plan. And event if there isn’t, there can be peace in that too.

Four score.

After hemming and hawing about starting an Intagram account, I finally did it. And soon enough naked-ass pics like this were being banned.

There once was a time when Madonna scared me.

But it was nowhere near as frightening as my pornstache. Or the wall-paper that goes with it.

This sort of thing only happens once a century. Not super-thrilled that this was that once-a-century moment.

Windmill and bridge, on the edge of a Cape.

Going mad.

Albany disappoints on a number of cocktail levels. Except in cases of statuary.

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