
The Wind in our Fails

It first sounded last night, the first night of the calendar year. I was writing another blog post, sitting on the bed in the attic when I listened to it whip over the roof and around the window, seeking to gain some sort of entrance. 

The wind. 

Hearing it barrel by made me wonder how horrific a tornado or hurricane must sound in person. The rumbling and occasional whistling it made here must be a breeze in comparison. 

Such power and might continued early this morning, when I watched and heard the wind blow through the backyard, shaking trees and grasses and testing their pliability. In this life, you learn to either bend or break – proof that it’s better to be flexible than obstinate. My convictions may be stalwart but my stubbornness is more malleable these days. Give me time to cool down and collect myself and I’m likely to come around to a new way of seeing things. 

Have I always done this? For the most part yes, but it used to take a bit more time, and a lot more arguing, and while more often than not I ended up convincing people of my way, what an effort it was, and oh what headaches resulted. Today I’m more likely to let people make their own choices and decisions and deal with the fallout, even if I’m 100% certain there is a better way of doing things. Maybe that’s another failure on my part, but our failures make us better provide we learn something from them. I’ve learned to let people make their own mistakes.

FAFO is real.

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