

The Time Has Come To Buy Me Many Things

We don’t need the walrus to tell us that. It’s August, people. Come the 24th, I’ll be celebrating my birthday, which means that now is the time to order the gifts for timely delivery. My Amazon Wish List has just been updated, but for those of you more dear to me (and vice versa) here are a few items that would make my early 40’s fantastically fabulous.

High on the list is this elusive pair of soon-to-be-vintage Jeremy Scott Adidas sneakers. Long out of circulation, they are only available on eBay now, which makes these a long shot – but I’m not giving up. (Once upon a time I let a gorgeous Louis Vuitton overcoat go and have regretted it ever since.) The official name of these beauties is the ‘Adidas x Jeremy Scott Men JS Wings 3.0 Gold’, size 10 or 10.5.

On the cologne front – and there’s always a cologne front – I’m enraptured by the gorgeous and decadent chords of Kilian’s ‘Straight to Heaven’ – and in spite of its atrocious name, the fragrance is exquisite, and perfect for the transition from summer to fall.

I’m asking my parents for my first trip to Rehoboth, but if there’s anything left over from that big-ticket item perhaps it might be for a massage at the Mandarin (which is another big-ticket item, but as a wise woman once put it, ‘A lot of people don’t say what they want. That’s why they don’t get what they want.’)

I’ve never been shy about wanting, so check out this bottle of glory for satiating the desire.

I usually have a longer list of bags and briefcases for birthday wishes and dreams, but after cleaning up the attic, I’ve realized I don’t need a new bag or briefcase anytime soon, or a robe for that matter. Still, I favor fragrance, and if you can’t be indulged on your birthday, when can you be indulged?

A word to the important people: as I’ll be traveling on my birthday, some foresight and planning will be involved. Tick tock, tick tock…

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