

The Summer of 2019 ~ Part Two: July

“All in all, it was a never-to-be-forgotten summer – one of those summers which come seldom into any life, but leave a rich heritage of beautiful memories in their going – one of those summers which, in a fortunate combination of delightful weather, delightful friends and delightful doing, come as near to perfection as anything can come in this world.” ~ L.M. Montgomery

Though it happened in June, the story of this summer’s return to Connecticut takes place on the blog in July, with this post, and this post

Some shirtless July gentlemen.

A new set of visitors descended upon Braddock Park, with this turkey family in Boston.

P-town memories of Delta Dawn

A summer song by the Spice Girls. They always gave us Too Much. 

Rub-down. (Or, Beat the Meat.)

Mommie Dearest indeed. Who knew she would go this far?

The glory of my naked ass on Instagram. (Follow my butt.)

Mesh shorts leave little to the imagination. The law of Murphy.

The man sandwich: Jake Gyllenhaal & Tom Holland.

From the time of Pretty Woman: a summer song fit for a king.

A quiet project.

Once upon a f@cking tease.

A summer read.

The new project: ‘Once Upon A Watercolor.’

Once upon an interview.

Twice upon an interview.

Not everyone is learning from the past. Madonna has always been about the Future.

Summer scandal! The day Pier 1 Imports refused to sell me a pillow.

Our 19th anniversary.

This cup runneth over.

The floral lull.

Stretching like Roger.

Another summer song, this one by Sia.

Summer hunk collection.

The robe of falling flowers.

A bit of Balenciaga.

Rude neighbors are the worst.

Summer mornings.

Keeping things hot on the Hunk front were these gents of July: Tom HollandPaulo Avelino, Jake Owen, Dominic Thiem, Lil Nas X, Joe Wicks, Theo Ford, Kim David SmithDyllon BurnsideZanjoe Acuesta Marudo, Charlie Taylor, Jacob Elordi, Rylan Clark-NealDaniele Sibilli, Jack Derges, Rafael Losso, Matt BaumgartnerJuan Pablo di Pace, Ryan Bingham, and Nick Hounslow.

{See also Part One.}

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