

The Stall & Savor

A week ago as of this writing, Skip and I were just embarking upon our BroSox Adventure 2021. I’ve been stalling and putting off writing about it because I didn’t want to break the spell. Once I’ve written about it, it’s well and truly over. In some ways I’ve been extending and enjoying the fun of it all, living off the excitement and laughter we were so starved for over the past two years. Of course I’ll get to summing up this year’s adventures, and misadventures, I just want to hold onto the memory of it before putting it all down for posterity. 

The tricks we play on ourselves, the way we emotionally convince our minds to play along with whatever gets us through the damn day – I don’t begrudge anyone for what they have to do to make it all work. 

As for the eventual repository of the BroSox Adventure 2021 that I will write up here at some point, get ready for an epic return to form. Part of me anticipated a muted and more mature evolution of our Red Sox trip to start off the summer season. That part of me was woefully and wonderfully wrong. Stay tuned… and to give you a hint of things to come, let’s just say I may not legally be allowed to ride in an Uber for the immediate future. 

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