My morning commute to the office occurs right around sunrise these days, at least on the days that aren’t obscuring the sun. It’s a sacred and usually serene time, with the first flush of fellow commuters sharing the road. When I’m a little earlier, this crowd dwindles, if something in the present tense can ever be in the past, or the future for that matter. Apologies for the game of words, it’s the little things that bring us silliness and joy
A week or two ago, I caught the break of the sun as I careened down Albany Shaker Road. Framed by the road, the electrical lines, and the street lights, it was a sliver of the natural world ensnared by the drab messiness of humans. Best of times, worst of times, blah blah blah… and I chose to embrace the beauty of the light. That very first light of day is a trick less of the sun and more the movement of the earth; we control our perception with greater influence than we realize. To that end, I made the decision to have a decent day. It didn’t need to be good – it’s damn near impossible to have a good day anymore given the current state of the world – it only needed to be decent, and it would be.
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