

The Shortest Longest Month: February

I know it’s technically short, but it feels so especially long. Our last full month of winter is upon us. Let’s get it over with – the sooner it starts, the sooner it’s over. This is usually a messy month. Snowstorms and freezing and thaws and birds and dirt and salt… winter’s ugliness at its worst with little hope on the horizon. We try to find comfort in cozy fireside scenes, folding ourselves into a book, dropping into a cup of hot tea, or ducking into a local greenhouse. (If you’re near an indoor botanical garden, what a lovely circumstance!) I tend to find cut flowers even more of a comfort now, and I noticed that the very first cut daffodils of the season are starting to appear in the market – their sunny shades and happy fragrance such welcome harbingers of a spring that still feels so far away.

February holds its own charms, even as it freezes and fusses, throwing snowy tantrums and pouting like a spoiled child. Such is the province of this month, when Valentine’s Day rears its silly head, past Presidents remind us of what used to be a glorious office, and the weather begins the roller coaster of high winter. Here’s a quick look-back at some other February incidents. 

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