

The Shock of a Vibrator

Targeted marketing on social media often works quite well on me – all those glamorous duds from Saks and Nordstrom, caftans with sumptuous cuffs of ostrich feathers, sequined jumpsuits, and bejeweled purses in the shapes of swans and stars and shells. They don’t always get it right though, as seen in this ad for a vibrator sold through Anthropologie. 

My most recent purchase from Anthropologie was a pair of sheer sequined pants, and perhaps that gave them the wrong idea in this case. As amusing as this is, I’m more in shock that this particular company carries vibrators. I fear the next stage of growing old is being shocked at such a thing, and that is the stage I’m at: shock and awe, only I’m usually on the other side of both. 

It’s time to get back in the game, and back to my usual side. 

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