

The Risk & Danger of a New Project, Mitigated

In the past, I may have been too invested in some of my creative endeavors, living out each theme in was that weren’t always healthy or helpful. Hell, my first two projects were ‘Sex’ and ‘Depression’ and God knows I’ve delved deeply into those wells. But that was all long ago, 1993 to be exact, and in the ensuing years I’ve learned a more sensible way of creatively fulfilling my passions without necessarily thrashing my emotional state in the process. It’s the choice many artists have to make at some point, and while I can’t speak for anyone else, I find a bit of separation from the work is the best way for me to exist.

I’m at my happiest when I’m working on a new project, whether that’s in writing or photography or the simple design of a garden. When my interest veers into darker territory (as this new one does), there’s the potential for emotional spillover if I’m not being careful, or if I were unable to disconnect the work from my own state of mind. That has been a key to a happier existence, and a creative fulfillment that comes from the various outlets I’ve culled over the years. It also helps that I have an understanding and patient husband like Andy, who keeps the home, and our lives, in fine form while I undertake any creative endeavors. That’s the real secret of how I’ve been able to integrate the wild fire of artistic passion into a life that doesn’t involve jailtime.

This new project is in its infancy, so the earliest it’s going to come out will be fall 2018 or winter 2019. Until such time, I offer a look back at some of my more recent works. See if you can tell which fun ones drove me (and possibly others) to the brink of insanity before I figured out how to do it right.

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