

The Recap with an Extra Hour

We turned back time like Cher could only imagine, and now the nights come earlier than ever. It’s only going to get worse until December 21 or so, and we better get into the holiday spirit to lift that kind of darkness. Thankfully, I’m already in holiday planning and preparation mode. If I get enough done in advance, I can simply lounge in silk pajamas when things get really stressful. A look back at the last week…

Halloween came, and thankfully left, without incident. 

Holidaze by Tom Ford

A shirtless Chris Hemsworth post in honor of the return of Thor. 

Exile by Enya.

From the mouths of babes

A Speedo study

My almost-annual PSA.

A shirtless Locky Brownlie post

It’s a roller coaster

Hunks of the Day included Scott EvansMichal Mike Vavin, Joe Delaney, Nick Hawk, and Brad Bradley

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