

The Recap After An American Terrorist Attack

America just barely survived a coup attempt by Trump and the MAGA domestic terrorists, and the fact that some people are still ok with that and want to move on is so unfathomable and infuriating, I’ve needed to decompress. Here’s the brief encapsulation: at the prompting of Trump, a mob of angry MAGA Trump supporters attacked the Capitol, where our nation’s elected leaders were at work, and broached and defiled that sacred space in the name of sedition and overthrowing American democracy. It ended with five people dead, including one police officer.

My husband is a retired police officer, so this probably hit our home a little harder than all the awfulness of Trump’s MAGA terrorists has hit us over the past four years – which for me has been pretty damn hard. Hopefully justice is finally on the way for all involved in the insurrection. We have no more patience for it. Trump incited this. The GOP and media enabled it. I’ve been harping on and pointing it out for four years and I’m officially done with anyone giving space for all the hatred, racism, homophobia, and fascist bullshit that has resulted. All the ‘both sides’ nonsense, the false equivocations, the benefit of the doubt – no more. We don’t abide traitors to American democracy, and every little step that Trump supporters, Trump enablers, and MAGA terrorists have taken over the last four years has been noted. On with the recap, and on with justice.

Basement by candlelight

First pho of the year.

A snowy scene of calm.

Floating snowy world

A message for the MAGA terrorists.

Sometimes only a cookie will do

A moment of weariness.

A snowy night surrounds

Wild & crazy Saturday night

My Mom always makes me proud

I made this soup for my Dad

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