

The Prepopulated Post

There is safety and protection in the way I’ve designed this blog to work. Pre-populated and scheduled posts allow me to do a week’s worth of blog posts in a few hours, then simply hit-and-run on my social media outlets when they go live. It gives the appearance of constant and consistent self-promotion, of an ongoing presence, even when I’m not here. More importantly, it lends distance to my posts, and distance lends enchantment

Distance also gives a rosier outlook when I don’t feel like writing, when I don’t feel like doing anything. That gives this place a slightly skewed slant, try as might to be brutally honest, a skewed view that gleams and sparkles when my soul doesn’t feel like shining. So you won’t always know when I’m actually hurting, or when I’m actually bothered, or when I’m actually feeling anything. It’s safer for the soul that way, and that’s why I make it look easy

That’s also why I respect those of you who do it all without complaint, why I honor your work, and your willingness to take it all on in silent and stoic fashion. 

Think of the swan, gliding so gracefully upon the water, and then think of all the movement that goes on beneath the surface. Swans must be ferocious and fierce to feign such fabulousness

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