

The Pillager’s Holiday Recap

Pictured here is a clump of beauty-berry in the Southwest Corridor Park near our place in Boston. I love their color, their architecture, and their striking effect. I just don’t grow them because of their very late season pay-off. Can’t grow everything, but I can appreciate others who do.

At the time that this gets posted we are scheduled to be winding up a sleep-over with the Ilagan twins – the first of its kind here, as we will be doing it without the help and aid of my brother, so there’s no telling what shape we, or the kids for that matter, will be in. It’s a test for when/if we bring them to the Children’s Holiday Hour in Boston closer to Christmas. And it’s ok if no one passes this test. On with the faux-holiday recap

This was the week I may have come around to the charm of ‘Hocus Pocus’ thanks mostly to Bette Midler. 

It also marked the start of soup season

A dozen wasted years on FaceBook. Regrets, I’ve had a few…

Life is a cabaret, old chum, come to the cabaret!

One day Skip and I will live-blog a night at the movies. And we will want Erin there

Though scant, there were still a few #TinyThreads that poked through the balmy weather. 

Repetition at American Air.

The EXACT DATE I’m going to die. (And thus the end of this blog.)

A very gratuitous bulge post of Dan Osborne.

The best part of this past week was a visit to Boston and some very dear friends. If you’ve been here before you surely know Kira and JoAnn. The journey begins here and winds through Boston and Cambridge, concluding here


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