

The Perfect Year

Ring out the old, Ring in the new
A midnight wish to share with you
Your lips are warm, my head is light
Were we alive before tonight?
I don’t need a crowded ballroom,
Everything I want is here,
If you’re with me,
Next year will be…
The Perfect Year…

It just may be my favorite scene out of any musical, and it always makes me cry. The cynical story of Norma Desmond and ‘Sunset Boulevard‘ is not high on anyone’s warm and fuzzy list, but in this brief snippet we have a glimpse at what makes her lovable in the face of all her delusional arrogance and haughty defiance. This is just a fragile person, hopelessly and unrequitedly in love with someone else who doesn’t love her back, at least not in that way – not in that all-encompassing romantic way that we all deserve to be loved. The world had already left her behind, but that doesn’t stop the heart from wanting, from loving. It never fails to move me.

It’s New Year’s Eve and hopes are high
Dance one year in, kiss one good-bye,
Another chance, another start
So many dreams to tease the heart,
We don’t need a crowded ballroom,
Everything we want is here,
And face to face,
We will embrace
The Perfect Year…
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