

The Mom Selfie

There are several things going on in these photos that some people seem largely unaware that I do. First off, driving. Yes, I drive. Quite a bit, in fact. I think I have more mileage on my car than Andy, thanks mostly to frequent trips to Boston. And of course I wear a seatbelt. It’s the law. And common sense for those of us who grew up in the 80’s and afterward. (Andy remembers the lawless days of riding around without having to wear one.)

Second, running errands. Like a soccer mom. Maybe that’s why Suzie said this was a classic mom selfie. To be honest, I don’t know what a classic mom selfie is. If I were said mom, I’d probably be on the wine. Isn’t that a mom thing to do? On the morning these photos were taken, I was on a fern run. Found a couple of elephant ears too. The plant version. How ghastly to think of anything else.

Third, silliness. I am ridiculously silly when you catch me at the right moment. More-so than I probably convey on this website. I’m a goddamn hoot and a half.

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