

The May-Ending Recap

What a wild week it has been – with the Super Flower Blood Moon and Mercury shifting into retrograde motion, all the drama should have been expected, and luckily it was. Fortifying myself against such winds is the best form of protection in which to engage, and preventative measures are always easier than reparative ones. I can honestly say I did my best, even when the weather tried its best to bring us all down. On with the recap, and the unofficial start to summer that today’s holiday heralds. 

Hints of our upcoming BroSox Adventure – and a big splashy return to Beantown – were kept largely low-key and under-hyped so as not to get ahead of ourselves. 

The Korean lilac in all its splendor and sweet perfume

An infamous Super Flower Blood Moon spread its power and might over the night. 

Basic floral vibrance

All roads lead to summer

A lane of Lindens in downtown Albany

Rhody rendezvous.

Telling stories at bedtime.

Season of the Chinese dogwood.

A trippy return of the Madonna Timeline with ‘Bedtime Story’.

Sunset calla.

Boston misadventures: Part One, Part Two, and Part Three.

Dazzlers of the Day included Troye Sivan, P!nk, John Cho, Benita Zahn, and Ben Cohen.

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