

The Madonna Timeline: Song #4 ~ ‘Future Lovers’

{Note: The Madonna Timeline is an ongoing feature, where I put the iPod on shuffle, and write a little anecdote on whatever was going on in my life when that Madonna song was released and/or came to prominence in my mind.}

I’m gonna tell you about love.
Letâ’s forget your life,
Forget your problems, administration, bills, and loans
Come with me…

The iPod seems to be on a Confessions on a Dance Floor trip, selecting ‘Future Lovers’ as the next random song. While this one was never a single, it opened her Confessions Tour in 2006, and as such is embedded in my memory on those how sweaty nights at Madison Square Garden and the TD Banknorth Garden in Boston.

This was probably her greatest concert entrance (no mean feat considering the brilliance of her Blonde Ambition ‘Express Yourself’ opening). Descending in a giant glittering disco ball (okay, not-so-secret behind-the-scenes reveal – she never came down in the ball, it descended and she entered it from below before it opened up). The effect was still spectacular.

When the disco ball opened up like some gorgeous hot-house flower unfurling its magical splendor, there was our Lady of Perpetual Provocation, resplendent in a horsetail top hat and whip, corseted satin and lace, and every bit the ring-leader of another amazing spectacle.

‘Future Lovers’ is a great way to open the show – playing to the die-hard fans who know the non-singles, while being familiar and groove-heavy enough to thrill anyone who didn’t memorize the track listing of the Confessions album. She inserts a bit of Donna Summers’ ‘I Feel Love’ into the live version, and it’s pretty amazing, setting the course for one of her most fun shows.

On a personal note, I saw this with my two favorite people – Andy in Boston and Suzie in New York. I think Suzie’s breasts were leaking as she was still breast-feeding Oona at the time, but she was a trooper and our Madonna concert tradition remained unbroken. As for Andy and Boston, I just remember dancing along with the sweaty masses and loving every minute of it.

In the demonstration of this evidence,
Some have called it religion.
This is not a coincidence.
Would you like to try?
Song #4: Future Lovers ~ Summer 2006
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