

The Last August Recap

Such a sad and sorry post, to signal the coming end of summer and its final full month. I don’t want it to go, I don’t want it to go, I don’t want it to… Repeating this like a mantra, like a prayer, I try my best to slow time. That’s the worst thing to do, as it always has the opposite effect. It is far more effective to focus on the moment, and making each one memorable. There’s too much to lose by being distracted by such mind games. On with the recap.

Sometimes a Hunk of the Day is so named simply because of his eyes. Jacob McCaslin is one such Hunk.

Ryan Phillippe is the same age as me, which just feels grossly unfair, because his body is in an entirely different bracket.

Getting locked in a gym is all Nicholas Clayton needed to do to make it into Hunk of the Day status. That and his body.

Little pockets of beauty, little bouquets of flowers.

This UFC mixed martial artist got naked before he threw the punches.

‘Iris’ may well be my new favorite movie. Another testament to the power of Mr. Maysles.

The artist as Hunk: this is Dustin Yellin.

La vie en rose.

A jockstrap is always in vogue, especially on these male celebrities.

Finally, a hint of pink.

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