

The Kennedy Charisma

You don’t mess around with the Kennedys in Massachusetts (well, a number of ladies might beg to differ, but that’s another story). The powerful and rich history of this political family is part of the fabric of this country, and though I don’t follow politics as closely as other people in this household, I was impressed by this tall ginger who was marching in this year’s Pride Parade in Boston.

Joe Kennedy III is currently running for Congress, to fill the seat vacated by Barney Frank. Like Mr. Frank, Mr. Kennedy is a strong proponent of marriage equality and gay rights. For that reason alone, I’m on board. In his pleated pants (he is tall enough to almost pull them off) and copper-colored hair, he is not one of the most striking men of the Kennedy family, but having seen him in person, there is certainly a combustible measure of charm and charisma.

Some have likened him to Conan O’Brien – I see more of a Ron Howard resemblance, minus the absence of hair. (The New York Times Magazine recently described him as “a mash-up of Prince Harry, the “Hunger Games” actor Josh Hutcherson and a bird.”) I noticed him in the Pride Parade before I noticed the name or put together who he was – such is the strength of a ginger’s hair in the sunlight (and the cat-calls of “Ginger!” emanating around me). At 31 years of age (I cringed too) he seems to be on the fast-track to political glory, even if he’s been largely unproven as far as performance goes. We’ll see how far the Kennedy name gets you. Once upon a time it was enough.

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