

The Insomniac’s Lament

When in the thrall of a creative project – be it a written piece, a photographic compilation, or something as simple as planning the next season of the garden – I find it easier to sleep. When I’ve just finished something, or have no creative outlet open, I tend to move into restless and fitful insomnia. In the past, I’ve simply gotten up and done something – read a book, watched a movie, whisked scrambled eggs – but lately I’ve simply laid there in bed, tossing and turning, forcing my eyes to stay shut and hoping for sleep to come. It does – it always does eventually – but then it’s time to get up a couple of hours later, and I’m completely unrested for the work day. Such is the conundrum as I stand on the back-end of the PVRTD Project release.

Part of it is the excitement of anticipation, which is usually my favorite state of fevered enchantment, as much as it messes with my sleeping pattern. Part of it is happy relief, and instead of relaxing into a night of sleep, I’d rather stay up and enjoy the giddy sense of completion for as long as possible. On the same token, part of it may be post-project depression, when the work and effort of a number of months are done and there is suddenly down-time.

There are a few cures for this, however, and I’m about to employ them. The first is simple yet grand: finding a new project to begin. The second is also easy: diving into writing and creating content for this blog. (Lucky reader!) The third is more abstract and difficult: taking my mind off the whole thing. The moment I begin to dwell on it, the worse it gets. Clearly this post I indicative of the fact that I’m not yet there. Instead, I’ll work on the first two. It’s only a matter of time.

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