

The First September Recap

A whole week of September has already gone by, and gone by too soon at that. We are that much closer to fall, when the real work begins. A number of projects are simmering on the creative stove, and before you know it the slippery slope to the holidays will have us all in its incontrovertible rush. That’s much too far ahead to contemplate right now, even for someone who loves to live in the future. And so, a contemplation of the recent past.

A beautiful birthday weekend in New York began with a return visit to ‘Kinky Boots’ and included a balcony view of the city (even from the bathroom), a piss-pot stop at the Plaza, and a bubble bath finale looking out at the Empire State Building.

Balzac gave words to my ball sack.

School started up again for some kids. Poor suckers.

The popular Hunk of the Day feature was in full-effect thanks to guys like Bernardo Velasco, Chris Campanioni, Christian Bok, Robert Ballard, and Aiden Leslie – as well as a couple of classic former hunks like David Beckham and Alex Minsky.

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