

The First Recap of 2019

There was no Monday recap last week because it was New Year’s Eve, and this blog was pre-occupied with all the hunks that had paraded for your viewing pleasure the year before. Then came the ‘Year in Review – Part One and Part Two’ which seemed like more than enough recaps for the week. So this post will do double duty and recall posts from the last two weeks, just so nothing, and no one, gets left out. People, and Hunks, can be so sensitive sometimes. On with the show…

It began with the official end of fall.

A secret Russian Christmas tea.

Winter arrives

I was surrounded by nine children, and I lived to tell the tale

Sexy Christmas assholes

Christmas Eve.

Holiday, celebration

The first set of Hunks of the Day included Sam SalterDaniel Cifonelli, David MuirGlenn McCuen, Matt Turner, Max Evans and Thom Evans.

Post-holiday stress disorder.

Leather & blush: when Tom Ford intertwines.

Christmas dinner: a seven-dish Filipino feast.

Top Nine of 2018: the bare butt edition.

The New Year began with a bang by Britney.

An egg.

Peace in


A birthday, a pencil, a childhood memory.

Pietro Boselli’s naked ass

Picture me in a leopard-print onesie, or just click here

This blog is bringing sexy back, starting with this salacious post, and continuing with this one filled with gratuitous male nudity

The second set of Hunks of the Day featured David CopperfieldNoah CentineoSam Asghari, Cauã Reymond, Mina Gerges, Prince Fielder, Jake Mace, Seth Rogen and Alessandro Florenzi.

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