

The First Fabulous Recap of March

Here we are at March, the month in which spring will arrive ~ whether or not the weather will mirror that remains to be seen. At the moment, it very much feels like winter, with one of our bigger snowstorms having just dumped a fresh crop of white stuff on us. With that in mind, let’s rush through this next week, on the way to spring, the sooner the better… 

The cutest Godchild ever makes another appearance on the blog. 

Boston love, for all the times Boston has played a part here. 

A candle in red was dancing with me.

Twenty years ago this website was born.

Two decades of naked titillation

Half-life of a modern-day diary.

Winter morning blues.

Surrounded By Light – new work by Karel Barnoski.

The 25th anniversary of the American release of Madonna’s ‘Ray of Light’.

Winter heather weather.

A cup of tea with Oscar

Featuring more ridiculous photos than the ones featured in today’s post, these pearls of wisdom were not of woe

Hot tea for a snowy night

A lovely winter read.

Dazzlers of the Day included Russell Tovey, Elizabeth Brown-Shook, Angela Bassett, and Robin Wall Kimmerer.

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